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Kinja'd!!! "SVTyler" (svtyler)
08/22/2016 at 16:01 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!0 Kinja'd!!! 10


The new Inquisition record is available for streaming in full and holy crap it rips so hard. Easily in my top 5 for Album of the Year.


Kinja'd!!! BunkyTheMelon > SVTyler
08/22/2016 at 17:15


If I can read their logo, how metal can they possibly be?


Shouldn’t it look like this?

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > BunkyTheMelon
08/22/2016 at 17:32


tbh I’m not sure if some bands are having a laugh by making random logos and pretending like they actually say something. For example, apparently this says “Lurker of Chalice”:


That being said Inquisition does have the ‘unnecessarily verbose and detailed while still saying absolutely nothing’ album titles down; it was actually less effort to open a new tab, type in, search “inquisition new album”, and copy-paste “ Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith ” than it would be to type it out fully lol.

Kinja'd!!! BunkyTheMelon > SVTyler
08/22/2016 at 17:36


It's just what happens when stoners read books, lol. Not being judgy... Let's just say there was a time when I could relate.

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > BunkyTheMelon
08/22/2016 at 17:57


Oh dude trust me I’m not being either, don’t do drugs myself but I think there is something behind the best works of music and fiction being created under the influence of drugs (Beatles, Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson, etc). That being said, even with copious amounts of hallucinogenics it still takes a pretty special mind to think of some of that kind of stuff though (one of my favorite bands wrote a concept record about Jesus’s time-traveling zombie twin ), like the old saying about the difference between genius and insanity. It’s impressive more than anything, really.

Kinja'd!!! dubspew > SVTyler
08/22/2016 at 18:56


Do you only like black metal or also OGDM? This seems to be the year of DM. zhrine, temple nightside, blood incantation, Che’thilist, and for slayer better than slayer check out the new Hellbringer on band camp

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > dubspew
08/22/2016 at 19:18


No kidding, 2016's been crazy for great death metal records (don’t forget about Gorguts and Be’lakor either). Tbh I mostly prefer black over death (seems like a lot of DM bands just focus on sheer speed and brutality and forget about songwriting and atmosphere) but I can appreciate good death metal when I hear it, it just has to have soul, for lack of a better word.

How about you, you a DM guy? Also the Hellbringer recommendation was prime dude, thanks, I’d never heard of them before.

Kinja'd!!! Illegitimus Prime > SVTyler
08/23/2016 at 03:37


Boooooooo, doesn’t appear to be fully available for streaming (on Spotify, Deezer or Apple Music) over in europeland.

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > Illegitimus Prime
08/23/2016 at 09:59


The official release date isn’t until Friday so that’s probably why, YouTube seems to be the only place to listen to the album in full right now.

Kinja'd!!! dubspew > SVTyler
08/23/2016 at 10:40


The bands I mentioned are heavy on the cavernous atmosphere I think you’re talking about. It’s just like, my subjective opinion man, but I think that brutal death, tech death and slam are pretty boring too, but that Gorguts was some prime skronk. Did you pre-order the new Darkthrone record yet? you should check out sometime, it’s a fast growing taste making metal blog with lots of great extreme metal coverage and a pretty swell comment community.

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > dubspew
08/24/2016 at 15:35


‘Cavernous’ is a great word for that kind of atmosphere, I’m the same way, tech-death and that kind of stuff is just boring if it has no substance behind it. Haven’t preordered Arctic Thunder yet but I’ll have to soon, really looking forward to it if Tundra Leech is anything to go by. Hell, probably would’ve anyways considering how solid Darkthrone’s recent records have been, there’s very few people I respect in the scene as much as Fenriz and Ted( as much as old-school BM elitists like to shit on everything post-Sardonic Wrath).

And dude I love toiletovhell, followed them during the original MetalSucks exodus few years ago and have found a bunch of great bands from them (though they could stand to post more stoner and doom). Beyond that they just crank out so many good articles and have some seriously talented writers on their staff that it’s crazy they’re not a more well-known blog (which they should be just for the Ballad of BDubs Bro lol).